About Me

Hello all. Welcome to my website. This is Japanese Car Fanatic and it’s all about car., Not just Japanese cars. All cars. I’ve personally owned several Japanese cars – Mazda 626s, Toyota Land Cruiser G Selection, 2 Mazda Demios, and a Hilux Surf.

Most Japanese people take a purely utilitarian approach to cars. They want something reliable which will get them from point A to point B. They aren’t worried about style or panache. When my wife bought a Toyota Wish, she hardly cared abut the aesthetics of the thing; she simply wanted a car that could seat seven people. That is the Japanese way, 90% of the time.

Of course, there are Japanese people who care about looks and performance. They are called Hashiriya (走り屋). Translate this page: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/走り屋 and you will see that they are called street racers. They deck out their cars with illumination and stickers and artwork.

I am not a street racer, although I did max out the speedometer on a Toyota Wish once. I got ticketed by the Japanese police, but not for the full speed I was doing. The Toyota Wish’s speedometer goes up to 180 km/h and I had accelerated beyond that, so I was easily going 112 mph.

My favorite vehicle in the LX600 by Lexus: https://www.japanesecarfanatic.com/2023-lexus-lx600/