1951 Saab 92

The Saab 92 was a compact car produced by Swedish automaker Saab from 1949 to 1956. The 1951 Saab 92 was one of the early models in the lineup and featured an aerodynamic body design with a teardrop shape that was both stylish and efficient. The car was powered by a two-stroke, three-cylinder engine that… Continue reading 1951 Saab 92

Why buy exported Japanese Cars?

Many countries export cars, but the Japanese used car market is unique. Due to strict laws imposed by the Japanese government, newer cars are often cheaper to own than used cars.  Allow me a moment to explain. In Japan, every car must be regularly maintained and inspected. The regular maintenance inspections are called “shaken.” When… Continue reading Why buy exported Japanese Cars?

Automobile Museums in Japan

Motorcar Museum of Japan The largest automobile museum in Japan is the Motorcar Museum of Japan, with an astonishing 500 cars. The Motorcar Museum of Japan is located at: 〒923-0345 石川県小松市二ツ梨町一貫山40 Or, in English: 40 Ikkanyama, Futatsunashimachi, Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. 〒923-0345 The Motorcar Museum of Japan is open everyday except Wednesday. Website here:… Continue reading Automobile Museums in Japan

1972 Dino 246 GT

The Dino 206 GT, 246 GT and 246 GTS are V6 mid-engined sports cars produced by Ferrari and sold under the Dino marque between 1967 and 1974. The Dino 246 GT is a 2-seat sports car produced by Ferrari from 1969 to 1974. It was named after Enzo Ferrari’s son, Dino, who had died in 1956. The Dino 246 GT features a mid-mounted 2.4-liter V6 engine… Continue reading 1972 Dino 246 GT

1923 Hudson 7 Passenger

Hudson car builders, also known as Hudson Motor Car Company, was an American automobile manufacturer from 1909 to 1954. The company was founded by Joseph L. Hudson, who was a successful businessman and owner of a department store chain in Detroit, Michigan. Hudson cars gained popularity for their innovative designs, advanced engineering, and affordability. They… Continue reading 1923 Hudson 7 Passenger